Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF Latest Edition [Get Here]

Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF Latest Edition [Get Here]

In this post, you will get the latest 8th edition of Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF. The name of authors are Peter Atkins (Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford and fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford) and Julio De Paula (Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon). Published by Oxford, this book is very useful for various University Physical chemistry examinations, quizzes and Olympiads. It is also useful for JEE Mains, NEET and other entrance examinations like NET, GATE, TIFR, BARK, JEST, IIT-JAM etc. You may download the PDF or read online as an ebook!

Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF

Contents/Chapters of the book 

Part 1: Equilibria
  • The properties of gases
  • The first law
  • The second law
  • Physical transformation of pure substances
  • Simple mixtures
  • Phase diagrams
  • Chemical Equilibrium

Part 2: Structure
  1. Quantum theory: introduction and principles
  2. Quantum theory: techniques and applications
  3. Atomic structure and atomic spectra
  4. Molecular structure
  5. Molecular symmetry
  6. Molecular spectroscopy 1: rotational and vibrational spectra
  7. Molecular spectroscopy 2: electronic transitions
  8. Molecular spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance
  9. Statistical thermodynamics 1: the concepts
  10. Statistical thermodynamics 2: applications
  11. Molecular interactions
  12. Materials 1: macromolecules and aggregates
  13. Materials 2: the solid state
Part 3: Change
  1. Molecules in motion
  2. The rates of chemical reactions
  3. The kinetics of complex reactions
  4. Molecular reaction dynamics
  5. Processes at solid surfaces

Features of Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF 

  • Atkins' Physical Chemistry is widely acknowledged by both students and instructors around the globe to be the textbook of choice for studying physical chemistry. The eleventh edition has been enhanced with additional learning features and math support, and reorganized into discrete Topics, to make the text more flexible for teachers and more readable for students.
  • The entire subject matter has been presented with a proper subheadings to facilitate the reader to understand the text in a simpler way 

Atkins Physical Chemistry PDF Download Link 

 ðŸ”¥ Students! Do check out the exclusive Chemistry Notes by Physics wallah during your preparation. 

 ðŸ”¥ Also, Download OP Tandon Physical Chemistry Book Here!

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